Monday, July 9, 2012

Block #4

Hello there

I would like to take you on a little tour of Block #4.  I have done a lot of work on this before joining this WIP challenge.

This is where I have used several motifs and lessons from the Adventure.  First off, there is a beautiful piece of lace that seems to fit in the space at the top beautifully.  I wish I could tell you more about this lace because it really is beautiful.  I have embellished it with purple seed beads and crystals.  It really sparkles - which we all love or we wouldn't be doing this!

At the bottom right is a motif I made in Betty Pillsbury's class.  It is painting on velvet.  It was sooo easy to do and a lot of fun.  I think it looks great.  If you ever get  a chance to take a class from Betty, you should jump at the opportunity.  She is great.  This was actually supposed to be a fan, but I like it like this. 

In the middle there are two beaded snowflakes which when I put them on the block could not be seen very well.  I put them on red yo-yo's and I think they are much easier to see.  Betweeen these snowflakes, there is another snowflake that is tatted. Someone did a very fine job on this tatting.   I put that on a silver yo-yo thinking that would help show it off but I am not sure that does it much justice.  All three of these snowflakes were part of the Motif Swap at the Adventure.  Unfortunately, I don't know who made them.  They did have the names of the makers, but somehow the name and the snowflake got separated.  They are very nicely made and hopefully who ever made them will see them and acknowledge them. 

At the bottom again and in the middle is a lovely crochet. light purple motif which was also part of the swap (I think).  The beaded star on top of it was made for me a few years ago by my friend Randee.   All of these lovely snowflakes and stars made me think of the "Star of wonder, star of light" quote and inspired that strand of stars to the left.  I like to have words on my work.

I just want to point out again a use for sequin waste which I mentioned the other day.  You can see this at the bottom by the Betty Pillsbury motif.  I just wanted to try using this interesting product again, so I cut a piece and sewed it on with some buillon and lazy daisy stitches.  It wasn't until I took the picture that I realized it kind of looks like a Christmas tree.  Sometimes I am clever by default.

I don't know what more I will be doing with this block until I finish all the other ones and I see what they look like sewn together.  I want them to kind of look like they belong to each other but I also want them to be able to stand alone.  How is that for a challenge?

Well I hope you enjoyed the tour of Block #4.



  1. This is such a pretty block, I love the details. The sequin waste tree is lovely, I wish I knew were to buy this in my country!

  2. That was really clever to use the sequin waste for that tree!! Did you hear Betty will be coming to our chapter to teach next year?? Woohoo for us! Your blog is beautiful Maureen. I can see you've made a few changes. I love the big pics. Hope you are having fun. Ciao for now.
